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What is Swift
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What is Swift

What is Swift? Gaga Swift is a new programming language from Apple recently launched for the developers of IOS and OSX systems that was announced at the Apple Developers Conference WWDDC in 2014 and came as an alternative to Objective-C, a…

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Python Language for Beginners Python series to learn python
Python Language for Beginners Python series to learn python

Python Language for Beginners Python series to learn python

Python Language for Beginners  Python series to learn python Welcome to this python article, which is part of a special series of articles we offer to anyone who wants to start learning pyth…

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How to enable JavaScript in your browser
JavaScript Explanation Download JavaScript in your browser JavaScript Download JavaScript Android Uses of JavaScript JavaScript Aquad Learn JavaScript JavaScript Features

How to enable JavaScript in your browser

How to enable JavaScript in your browser At present almost all web pages contain JavaScript, a scripting language that runs on the visitor web browser. Make web pages functional for specific purposes and if they are disabled for some reason…

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What is HTML And how do you use it to design a web page
What is HTML And how do you use it to design a web page

What is HTML And how do you use it to design a web page

What is HTML And how do you use it to design a web page? 1-What is HTML coding? The letters are hyperText Markup Language, which is not a code in  traditional sense of programming languages, …

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